Thank you for Participating!
We would like to thank all of the 171 participants who joined us in Stockholm for the 8th Solar Integration Workshop. The entire Photo Gallery is now online!
Special Topic Storage
One special focus of the Solar Integration Workshop will be storage integration. Many renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy produce variable power. Storage systems provide a way to level out the imbalances between supply and demand. Thus, electricity production need not be drastically scaled up and down to meet momentary consumption. Instead, transmission from the combination of generators plus storage facilities is maintained at a more constant level. Storage systems constantly grow in their usability, efficiency and number of use cases. More than enough reason to discuss the development in storage integration in detail and dedicate this year’s special topic to storage.
The Solar Integration Workshop is designed for…
…power system operators, transmission and distribution grid operators, solar inverter manufacturers, universities and research institutes, and consulting companies.
Workshop Videos
You would like to know what to expect at our workshops? See our promotional video with footage from previous events.
Get an impression of the workshops’ atmosphere, be inspired by the lively discussions and its open spirit.
Find more videos and our photo galleries here.
The experts on renewable grid integration solutions will review and discuss recent advances in technology and exchange ideas on how to jointly tackle the challenges of the coming years. The primary objective is to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between industry and research by providing a platform for discussion and for sharing ideas and knowledge regarding the key issues in the field of large-scale integration of solar power.
The share of solar power in power systems is increasing at an unprecedented speed in many countries worldwide. Thus, power system operators have less and less time to thoroughly analyze and investigate the grid integration issues. In consequence, sharing international experience and discussing the technical and economic issues of the integration of solar power into power systems is becoming more and more important.
Combination is key
Since its establishment in 2011, the Solar Integration Workshop is succeeded by the Wind Integration Workshop. As there are many topics that are relevant for both the integration of wind and solar energy into power systems, the two Workshops are complementary. The programs of the two Workshops are specially designed to include sessions that are suitable for both interest groups on the shared Tuesday, i.e. grid codes, storage, forecasting, and many more. The Workshop pricing structure allows for cross-workshop booking, so think about combining both Workshops or adding half a day or a day to your stay.
Accompanying Events
Beside the regular sessions the workshop week is filled with a list of accompanying events such as Poster Sessions and a Solar and Wind Dinner – great opportunities for networking!
Poster Session & Reception: an informal evening get-together – Tuesday, 16 October 2018
An important part of the Solar Integration Workshop are poster presentations. Researchers and practitioners present their projects in poster sessions during the Workshop and at the especially dedicated Poster Reception. This Networking Event on Tuesday is a platform for poster presenters to showcase their findings and discuss them with workshop participants in a casual get-together.
Solar and Wind Dinner – Wednesday, 17 October 2018
The combined Solar and Wind Dinner will take place at the Hotel on Combination Wednesday. It is the perfect opportunity to mingle with both solar and wind experts in a more casual setting.
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