Abstract Database
Abstracts of all papers presented at the Solar & Wind Integration Workshop are now available online! Search the abstract database here.
Monday, 19 October 2015
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:10 Opening: Welcome and Introduction, Thomas Ackermann (Energynautics, Germany)
Session Chair: Thomas Ackermann (Energynautics, Germany)
09:10 - 10:30 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Equipping the Power System for Tomorrow
J. Watson (SolarPower Europe, Belgium) - Integrating Solar: a TSO's lessons learned
Patrick Laureys (Elia, Belgium) - Solar Eclipse: a Stress Test for Europe's Power Grid
Part I: Carlos Castel Conesa (ENTSO-E, Belgium)
Part II: T. Döring (SolarPower Europe, Belgium) et. al. - Challenges, Quantification and Outlook of PV Integration in the Power System: a Review by the European PV Technology Platform
Pierre-Jean Alet (CSEM, Switzerland) et. al.
10:30 - 10:50 Discussions
10:50 - 11:20 Coffee Break
Session Chair: Pierre-Jean Alet (CSEM, Switzerland)
11:20 - 12:40 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Reaching New Solar Heights - Mitigating the Duck Curve in California
D. Lew; M. Schroder; N. Miller; M. Lecar (GE Energy Consulting, USA) (SIW15-62) - Application of Grid Studies for the Secure and Optimal Utilisation of Variable Renewables in Islands - Study Case in Samoa
J. Gómez, F. Fernández (DIgSILENT, Germany), F. Gafaro (IRENA, Germany), F. Perelini (EPC - Electric Power Corporation, Samoa) (SIW15-170) - Operational Impacts of Operating Reserve Demand Curves on Production Cost and Reliability
I.Krad, E. Ibanez (NREL, USA), E. Ela (EPRI, USA), W. Gao (University of Denver, USA) (SIW15-178) - Impact of High Levels of Solar generation on Steady State and Dynamic Behavior of the Transmission System: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
V. Singhvi, P. Pourbeik, J. C. Boemer, A. Tuohy (EPRI, USA) (SIW15-24)
12:40 - 13:00 Discussions
Session Chair: Nis Martensen (Energynautics, Germany)
11:20 - 12:40 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Impact of a 100 % Renewables Strategy on a Distribution Grid in Rhineland-Palatinate
L. Wagner, E. Tröster (Energynautics, Germany), J. Krämer, B. Betz (EWR Netz, Germany) (SIW15-197) - Testing the Enhanced Functionalities of Commercial PV Inverters Under Realistic Atmospheric and Abnormal Grid Conditions
R. López-Erauskin, T. Geury, A. González, J. Gyselinck (Université Libre de Bruxelless, Belgium), M. E. Hervás, A. Fabre (GreenWatch, Belgium) (SIW15-91) - Effectiveness Evaluation of TVR and Reactive Power Compensation in Japanese Distribution Systems with a Large Number of Photovoltaics
A. Moriwaki, T. Tsuji, T. Oyama (Yokohama National University, Japan), S. Uemura (Electric Power Industry, Japan) (SIW15-146) - Clustering of Photovoltaic Generation for the Consideration of Time Changing Geographical Correlation in Probabilistic
Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Systems
F. Vallée, F. Moutier, V. Klonari, J.-F. Toubeau,Z. De Grève, J. Lobry, F. Lecron (University of Mons, Belgium) (SIW15-28)
12:40 - 13:00 Discussions
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
Session Chair: J. Charles Smith (UVIG, USA)
14:00 - 15:20 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Comparative Analysis of Various Configurations for Large PV Power Plants
M. de Prada Gil, J. L. Domínguez-García, L. Trilla-Romero, O. Gomis-Bellmunt (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research-IREC, Spain), V. Aga, F. Miquel, M. Shafiee-Khoor (ALSTOM Renewable, Switzerland) (SIW15-84) - Advanced Active Front-end Rectifier Control for Grid Emulator Application
A. González, Y. Mollet, T. Geury, R. López-Erauskin, J. Gyselinck (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) (SIW15-81) - Proof of Evidence for Solar Plant: Design, Quality and System Operators' Acceptance
T. Gehlhaar, B. Hinzer, M.-K. Schwarz (DNV GL Energy – Renewables Certification, Germany) (SIW15-37) - Integrated Approach for Smart Grid Data Acquisition, Transmission and Evaluation
A. Schmutzer, J. Bogenrieder (Smart Grids - Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Germany), G. Jung (University of Applied Sciences Hof, Germany), P. Luchscheider (Smart Grids - Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Germany), S. Müller (University of Applied Sciences Hof, Germany), R. Schmidt, C. Stegner (Smart Grids - Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Germany), S. Trampler (University of Applied Sciences Hof, Germany) (SIW15-137)
15:20 - 15:40 Discussions
Session Chair: Bri-Mathias Hodge (NREL, USA)
14:00 - 15:20 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Solar Power Forecasting Trials and Trial Design: Experience from Texas
E. Lannoye, A. Tuohy (EPRI, USA), J. Sharp (Sharply Focused, USA), V. VonSchamm, W. Callender, L. Aguirre (CPS Energy, USA) (SIW15-35) - Solar Forecasting Improvements for Numerical Weather Prediction of Coastal Stratocumulus Clouds in California
I. Lopez, P. Mathiesen, J. L. Bosch, H. Yang, X. Zhong, J. Kleissl, (University of California, San Diego, USA), R. Fovell (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) B. D’Agostino (San Diego Gas & Electric, USA) (SIW15-71) - Design and Evaluation of the Distributed Solar Power Production Forecast Component of the Solar and Wind Integrated Forecast Tool (SWIFT)
J. Zack (AWS Truepower, USA), D. Nakafuji, A. Brightbill (Hawaiian Electric Company, USA) (SIW15-127) - High Resolution Solar Resource Assessment with Sky Imager and Distribution System Simulations
A. Nguyen, P. Ubiratan, K. Murray, J. Kleissl (University of California San Diego, USA) (SIW15-67)
15:20 - 15:40 Discussions
15:40 - 16:00 Coffee Break
Session Chair: José Gómez (Digsilent, Germany)
16:00 - 17:40 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Analysis of Options for the Future Allocation of PV Farms in South Africa
M. Pöller, M. Obert (M.P.E., Germany), G. Moodley (DIgSILENT Buyisa, South Africa) (SIW15-122) - A Study on Fluctuation Characteristics of Future Residual Load in Eastern Japan after High-Penetration Wind and Photovoltaic Power Generation
T. Kato, Y. Manabe, M. Kurimoto, T. Funabashi, Y. Suzuoki (Nagoya University, Japan) (SIW15-173) - Phasor Domain Modelling of Electronically Coupled Generators for System Protection Studies
E. Farantatos (EPRI, USA), T. Kauffmann, U. Karaagac, I. Kocar, J. Mahseredjian (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada) (SIW15-213) - Using Solar Power to Increase Power System Efficiency
A. Pramono Jati, N. Martensen (Energynautics, Germany) (SIW15-214) - Probabilistic Swinging Door Algorithm as Applied to Photovoltaic Power Ramping Event Detection
A. Florita, J. Zhang, C. Brancucci Martinez-Anido (NREL, USA), M. Cui (Wuhan University, China), B.-M. Hodge (NREL, USA) (SIW15-57)
17:40 - 18:00 Discussions
Session Chair: Jan Kleissl (University of California, San Diego, USA)
16:00 - 17:45 Presentations (15 min. each):
- Ensemble Solar Forecasting Statistical Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis
W.-Y. Cheung, J. Zhang, A. Florita, B.-M. Hodge (NREL, USA), S. Lu, H. F. Hamann (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA), Q. Sun, B. Lehman (Northeastern University, USA) (SIW15-53) - The Benefits of Intraday Solar Irradiance Forecasting to Adjust the Day-ahead Scheduled PV Power
S. Cros, E. Buessler, L. Huet, N. Sébastien, N. Schmutz (Reuniwatt, Réunion) (SIW15-113) - Spatio-Temporal Models for Photovoltaic power Short-term Forecasting
X. Ghislain Agoua, R. Girard, G. Kariniotakis (MINES ParisTech, France) (SIW15-201) - Influence of the Quality of Irradiance Forecasts to the Performance of Forecast Based Control of Grid-connected PV-systems with Storage
H. G. Beyer (University of Agder, Norway), A. G. Imenes (Teknova, Norway) (SIW15-85) - Methodology to Stochastically Generate Spatially Relevant 1-Minute Resolution Irradiance Time Series from Mean Hourly Weather Data
J. Bright, P. Taylor, R. Crook (University of Leeds, United Kingdom) (SIW15-94) - An Insolation Forecasting Method by Taguchi’s T method
S. Negishi, S. Takayama, A. Ishigame (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan) (SIW15-46) - Prediction of Solar Power by Using the Extinction Coefficient
I. Mathiasson, O. Carlson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) (SIW15-73)
17:45 - 18:00 Discussions
19:30 - 23:00Solar Dinner
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Session Chair: Debra Lew (GE Energy, USA)
08:30 - 09:30 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Transient Analysis in Distribution System with FACTS and Photovoltaic Generation Units
Y. Dou, T. Tsuji, T. Oyama (Yokohama National University, Japan) (SIW15-148) - Speedup of Parallel Computing by Parareal Method in Transient Stability Analysis of Japanese Power System with Photovoltaics
T. Sekine, T. Tsuji, T. Oyama (Yokohama National University, Japan), F. Magoulès (Ecole Centrale Paris, France), K. Uchida (Waseda University, Japan) (SIW15-147) - A Reactive Power Control Strategy for Preventing Voltage Collapse for Malaysian Power Network with Multiple Photovoltaic Plants
N. B. Salim (Yokohama National University, Japan | Technical University Malaysia Melaka , Malaysia), T. Tsuji, T. Oyama, A. Koide, S. Yamashita (Yokohama National University, Japan), K. Uchida (Waseda University, Japan) (SIW15- 79)
09:30 - 09:50 Discussions
Session Chair: Eckehard Tröster (Energynautics, Germany)
08:30 - 09:30 Presentations (18 min. each):
- Importance of Demand Side Flexibility and Management for Large-Scale Variable PV Integration in Urban Environment
J. Salpakari, J. Mikkola, P. Lund (Aalto University, Finland) (SIW15-160) - Energy Management System for a Photovoltaic System With Battery Storage Participating in Grid Voltage Quality Improvement
I. Ranaweera, O.-M. Midtgård (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) (SIW15-54) - Influences of Time Resolution and Recording Period of the Energy Consumption on the Assessment of Photovoltaic Battery Systems
M. Hinterstocker, S. von Roon (Research Center for Energy Economics, Germany), D. Berner, C. Bruce-Boye (University of Applied Sciences Lübeck, Germany) (SIW15-123)
09:30 - 09:50 Discussions
09:50 - 10:10 Coffee Break
Session Chair: Nickie Menemenlis (Hydro-Québec/IREQ, Canada)
10:10 - 11:10 Presentations (20 min. each):
- Recommendation for the Behavier of PV-Systems during Grid Disturbances Depending on their PCC
S. Laudahn, B. Engel (TU Braunschweig, Germany), T. Bülo, V. Sakschewski, G. Bettenwort, H. Knopf (SMA Solar Technology, Germany) (SIW15-104) - Impact of Fault-ride through Capabilities of Inverter-based Distributed PV on Voltage and Frequency Performance of the Bulk System
V. Singhvi, J. C. Boemer, P. Pourbeik, A. Tuohy (EPRI, USA) (SIW15-23) - An Alternative Identification of RMS-Voltage Trajectories based on Real Voltage Dips. Comparison with Grid-Code Requirements
T. García-Sánchez, E. Gómez-Lázaro (University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain), A. Molina-Garcia (Polytechnical University of Cartagena, Spain) (SIW15-118)
11:10 - 11:25 Discussions
Session Chair: Eamonn Lannoye (EPRI International, Ireland)
10:10 - 11:10 Presentations (20 min. each):
- CO2 Emission Savings Resulting from the Smart Control of Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps in Residential Dwellings and Office Spaces in Belgium
P. Van Dievel, K. De Vos, R. Belmans (KU Leuven, Belgium) (SIW15-151) - A Road Map to PV Integration Using Economic Complexity Principles
I. R. Smith, S. McMillan (SM Solar & Wind Energy Systems, Trinidad and Tobago) (SIW15-177) - Advanced Cloud Simulations for Improved Dayahead Solar Power Forecasts
J. Schipper, P. Mathiesen (DNV GL - Energy, Germany) (SIW15-41)
11:10 - 11:25 Discussions
11:25 - 11:30 Short Break
Session Chair: Thomas Ackermann (Energynautics, Germany)
11:30 - 12:00 Podium Discussion
- Topic: "Are the European Grid Integration Lessons of any use Outside of Europe?"
Participants: J. Charles Smith (UVIG, USA), Yoh Yasuda (Kansai University, Japan), Manfred Manchen (NamPower, Namibia), TBA (Morocco)
12:00 - 12:15 Discussion & Closing Remarks
12:15 - 13:15 Lunch
13:00 Start of the Wind Integration Workshop
- Probability Characteristic Fitting for Photovoltaic Output Forecasting Errors and Correlations amongst Different
Photovoltaic Power Stations
Y. Yuan, J. Bao (Hohai University, China), X. Zhang (Nantong University, China), J. Zhou, Q. Yang (Hohai University, China) (SIW15-63)