Solar Tutorial

PV Systems in Smart Grids

The afternoon of 13 November 2016, the Sunday before the start of the Solar Integration Workshop, will be dedicated to tutorial lectures held by researchers of Aalborg University and live test cases on a large photovoltaic inverter located at AIT, the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna.

The objective of this tutorial is to offer a review of essential aspects involved in the operation and smart grid integration of modern PV power plants. A review of the PV panel technology will offer a vision of the operation and performance of the most important PV technologies currently installed by integrators. The elements in charge of processing power in PV power plants, inverters will be presented by describing both their hardware and control structures. Integration of PV into the modern power systems will be discussed, including provision and coordination ancillary services by PV plants both on LV and MV network.

In a hands-on session, several live test cases will be performed on a large photovoltaic inverter. This part of the tutorial will consist in

  • testing protection systems and smart grids functions (network support) such as reactive power provision, voltage control and fault ride through
  • showcase the interoperable remote control of PV inverters via state of the art protocols.


SUNDAY, 13 November 2016


Welcome Coffee


Lecture 1: PV Arrays Technology  Operation and Performance
Dr. Dezso Sera (Aalborg University, Denmark)

This lecture will show an overview of the most important PV cell technologies and their performance characteristics. Common modelling techniques for PV cells, modules and arrays will be presented. Performance models that can be used for assessing plant produc-tion will be discussed.
Furthermore, some essential aspects of reliability and yield optimization of PV arrays will be included, such as I-V curve analysis, and infrared and electroluminescence image based inspection, which are rapidly gaining importance as cost-effective tools in O&M for PV plants.


Lecture 2: PV Inverters and their Control
Dr. Tamas Kerekes (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Inverters are a key element in PV power plants. This lecture will review the topology of the inverters commonly used in PV plants with focus on efficiency, ranging from low-power modular inverters to central inverters used to process power of large strings. Some examples from PV inverters manufacturers will be presented. The main structure of the control system of a generic PV inverter will be also presented in this lecture, as well as the most common functionalities regarding monitoring and diagnosis.


Coffee break


Lecture 3: Integration of PV in the Modern Power System
Dr. Florin Iov (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Grid integration of renewables i.e. wind and PV systems and activation of their flexibility for smart grid solutions requires a hierarchical and coordinated control. This lecture will show exemplary DSO’s challenges especially on the low voltage grids with high penetra-tion of PV systems at household level. Smart solutions addressing voltage control of these systems both at MV and LV levels will be shown.
Provision and coordination of ancillary services from wind power and large PV systems connected in the Medium voltage grid will be also presented.


Coffee break


Lecture 4: Compliance Testing of Smart Grids Functions
Roland Bründlinger (Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)

Verifying interoperability and capabilities of modern inverters for PV and storage appli-cations requires advanced testing and verification procedures. The demonstration at the AIT SmartEST laboratory will present latest developments in testing procedures and show exemplary testing of advanced interoperability on a utility scale PV inverter.
In addition, challenges of testing complex functionalities and the interrelation of different functions will be highlighted during the session at the laboratory.


Lecture 5: Remote control of smart inverters in an interoperable environment
Thomas Strasser (Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)

The ever increasing deployment of photovoltaic systems and other distributed energy resources causes massive challenges for utility operators in terms of planning and operation. Through promising intelligent control methods and remote control possibilities the existing power grid infrastructure can be used in a more efficient way, allowing a higher penetration of distributed and renewable resources. Interoperability and standardized communication systems/protocols are important keys to realize such intelligent approaches. IEC 61850 as well as the Modbus-based SunSpec are promising concepts for the real-ization of remote control functions.
The demonstration at the AIT SmartEST laboratory will showcase the remote control of a PV inverter using latest standards and protocols.




Please note that the venue for the Solar Tutorial is not the workshop venue.
The Solar Tutorial will take place at:


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Giefinggasse 2
1210 Vienna, Austria


Please note that there won’t be any group  transportation organized, so please find your individual way directly to the venue (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) by using public transportation or a taxi. Travel costs have to be paid by the participant.

Useful information:


  • The Solar Tutorial is not included in the general registration fee.
  • As the number of participants for the Solar Tutorial is limited, tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • The price is 522.00 Euros for regular participants (during mid registration), students pay 420.00 Euros incl. 20% VAT. Get details on our Registration & Fees webpage.